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Commits on Source (48)
include: ''
- 'flatpak'
- 'deploy'
extends: '.flatpak'
image: ''
stage: 'flatpak'
MANIFEST_PATH: "build-aux/flatpak/org.gnome.Calendar.json"
FLATPAK_MODULE: "gnome-calendar"
APP_ID: "org.gnome.Calendar.Devel"
BUNDLE: "org.gnome.Calendar.Devel.flatpak"
extends: '.publish_nightly'
- 'flatpak:master'
Detailed description of the issue. Put as much information as you can, potentially
with images showing the issue.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open GNOME Calendar
2. Create an event
3. ...
## Design Tasks
* [ ] design tasks
## Development Tasks
* [ ] development tasks
## QA Tasks
* [ ] qa (quality assurance) tasks
# Current problems
What are the problems that the current project has?
For example:
* User cannot use the keyboard to perform most common actions
* User cannot see documents from cloud services
# Goals & use cases
What are the use cases that this proposal will cover? What are the end goals?
For example:
* User needs to share a file with their friends.
* It should be easy to edit a picture within the app.
# Requirements
What does the solution needs to ensure for being succesful?
For example:
* Work on small form factors and touch
* Use the Meson build system and integrate with it
# Relevant art
Is there any product that has implemented something similar? Put links to other
projects, pictures, links to other code, etc.
# Proposal & plan
<!-- What's the solution and how should be achieved? It can be split in smaller
tasks of minimum change, so they can be delivered across several releases. -->
/label ~"1. Epic"
Detailed description of the feature. Put as much information as you can.
Proposed Mockups:
(Add mockups of the proposed feature)
## Design Tasks
* [ ] design tasks
## Development Tasks
* [ ] development tasks
## QA Tasks
* [ ] qa (quality assurance) tasks
Major changes in 41.0:
* Updated translations
Major changes in 41.rc1:
* Small cleanups
* Updated translations
Major changes in 41.beta:
* Implement opening ICS files and importing events
* Updated translations
......@@ -15,18 +15,13 @@
"x-run-args" : [
......@@ -45,6 +45,15 @@
<release date="2021-09-17" version="41.0">
GNOME Calendar 41.0 release brings updated translations, and new event preview
popover, and the ability to import events from calendar files.
<release date="2021-06-03" version="40.2">
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Access and manage your calendars
Exec=gnome-calendar %U
# Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)!
version: '41.beta',
version: '41.0',
license: 'GPL3+',
meson_version: '>= 0.53.0'
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