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salsa-ci: if version-skewed, use the currently available ABI version

Philip Hands requested to merge philh/debian-installer:salsa-abi-fixup into master

When there is version skew between the configured and available ABI versions, D-I builds on salsa fail, which breaks builds for people using branch2repo for testing udebs.

This patch addresses that, by detecting the situation, and overriding the ABI version to be used.

Most of the work is done in salsa-ci.yml, so will have no effect on normal builds, and I've also got rid of some of the conditional code in debian/rules that was keyed on the salsa-ci build profile.

If version skew is detected, the changelog is modified such that the resulting packages & mini-iso includes something along the lines of +ABI~6.5.0~2 in their version, to make it obvious that something a little odd is going on.

You can see an example of that here:

The modified changelog also includes an extra stanza like this:

   [ Salsa-CI ]                                                                                                                                                          
   * WARNING: automatically modified to use ABI = 6.5.0-2                                                                                                                
     This needs to be updated in the source to work for normal builds      

on the other hand, having rebased this to the latest master, there is then no version skew, so the build goes though without setting LINUX_KERNEL_ABI, as seen here:

where the empty line 2945 is the result of LINUX_KERNEL_ABI being unset, which results in these artifacts:

(salsa is still tagging that as a salsa build of course, hence the +salsaci+20231011+630 bit)

@93sam BTW would adding the same ability to build while we're version-skewed be a useful addition for the dailies? I'd have thought that would provide an easy way to confirm that things are working nicely before bumping the config. If you're interested I'll attempt to come up with an MR for debian-cd.

@kibi I'm guessing that you have a script for bumping the ABI to the latest version, in which case this might break that slightly, since it adds things onto the linux-image-* build-depend lines. I could instead put the non-versioned variants in a block following the existing block if that makes life easier, but this arrangement struck me as quite neat, and I needed to add <!salsa-ci> on the versioned lines anyway.

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