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Commit b80b465a authored by Jonas Dreßler's avatar Jonas Dreßler Committed by verdre
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clutter/stage-cogl: Fix painting the redraw clip with the damage region

The redraw clip that's painted together with the damage region has to be
copied earlier than we do right now. That's because if
PAINT_DAMAGE_REGION is enabled, buffer age is disabled and thus
use_clipped_redraw is FALSE. That means the redraw_clip is updated and
set to the full view-rect. If we copy the queued_redraw_clip after that,
it's also going to be set to the full view-rect. So copy the redraw clip
a bit earlier to make sure we're actually passing the real redraw clip
to paint_damage_region().

Also keep the queued_redraw_clip around a bit longer so it can actually
be used by paint_damage_region() and isn't freed before that.

While at it, move paint_damage_region() from swap_framebuffer() into
clutter_stage_cogl_redraw_view() so we don't have to pass things to
swap_framebuffer() only for debugging.


(cherry picked from commit 793a9d45)
parent 2cc8061f
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