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Some statistics
ShortURLs with dynamically generated keys: 2450353
ShortURLs with pre-selected keys: 559
Latest News
2024-02-27 - major overhaul finished:Last finishing touches, should be ready to server short urls for the next years again. Included a small test suite and CI configuration for automatic testing and deployment. Added sqlite support to support testing in containers. Please note that the sqlite code differs a bit from PostgreSQL as it does not support sequences.
2024-02-18 - major overhaul started:Upgrading's VM to bullseye (yes, I know...) resulted in various fails related to a new Python3 version, missing/broken dependencies on libraries and some other bugs. After a quick and dirty fix of the running code I started to rewrite/overhault the whole code.
2015-07-22 - new API client Python module:Harsh Daftary, Google Summer of Code student working on a project for Debian, wrote a nice and shiny api client Python module. You can find it at or install it using
pip install GoDebian_api
- Thanks a lot!
2015-05-26 - md raid crashed: One drive in a raid set failed. And the next one while rebuilding the raid. Good news: New hardware was already setup and running, just waiting for a final DB dump and DNS change. Now the DB dump was the backup from the 25th. Back online on 27/10/2015. Sorry!
2013-10-22 - migrating to KallesDesign: After about three years and more than 160000 shortened URLs, the css and templates were migrated to the awesome KallesDesign.
2010-06-28 - issues during the last days: was running in weird connection issues while trying to connect to memcached. The current pylibmc had problems to talk to memcached - switched back to the memcached module. Sorry for the trouble!
2010-16-05 - layout/CSS works: is finally on the way to receive a nice layout and CSS. The layout is fixed now, but some nice CSS styling is still missing. This latest news archive was added, too.
2010-10-05 - migrating to flask: The codebase was migrated to the microframework Flask, which is much easier to integrate and use than the formerly used Bottle. Also it is based on Werkzeug, a well known and lightwight WSGI library.
2010-05-04 - example client: Have a look at - the script in the example client repository. Please note that the script is a bit customized for alioth, so make sure it works properly for you when you use it somewhere else.
2010-03-04 - beta test announced: After several nights of coding, went online and was announced on See